The Foot Hassle! – Tiesta Store Skip to content

The Foot Hassle!

by Mohit Gurjar 11 Sep 2021
The Foot Hassle!

Have you ever faced a problem while buying the perfect shoes?

A feeling of agitation when they don’t fit or are too loose?

Well don’t be disheartened as it is pretty “normal” among us girls to not have a “normal” foot, but a unique one.

Most of us must have come across a situation when walking even a few meters turn into endless miles. The sole starts weeping and the toes hurt. The pain follows for the next few days and our walk becomes askew. Some of us even get blisters and corns. These instances lead to realization that the SHOE ISN’T RIGHT! But do we do anything about it? Do we always have to blame the shoe? Is that shoe really apt for your feet?

All these queries need an answer and the answer to all this is “Knowing YOUR foot type!” A right fitting shoe makes your walk confident and balanced, failing to which leads to sore foot and cramps.

We, here at Tiesta, give you the opportunity to step out and poise in a footwear that naturally compliments the shape of your feet. We don’t just go for the standard sizes, but also draw the accurate measures of your foot pattern.

People say – “Beauty is Pain” ,
but with a little effort lets make :
“Beauty our Power”

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